New York’s Safe Act will mandate that all gun owners “surrender” magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds to law enforcement officials, according to a fact sheet released to accompany the new law.
A 4 page fact sheet released yesterday on the website states, “If you own a large capacity magazine greater than 10 round capacity that was a grandfathered magazine as a result of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon Ban, within a year, you must do one of the following: dispose of it to another person outside New York State,surrender it to law enforcement officials, or permanently alter such to only accept 7 rounds.” (emphasis added)
The warning will only increase fears that a widespread gun and ammunition confiscation program could be in the works. As we highlighted last week, back in December, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo admitted that “confiscation could be an option,” when it came to enforcing the new law. However, provisions in the original bill that included confiscation were removed in order to prevent the legislation from being voted down.
Sheriffs across the country have put the Obama administration on notice that they will not carry out gun or ammunition confiscation programs if similar laws are passed locally or nationally. However, not a single Sheriff from New York or other cities with stringent gun control have joined the chorus.
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